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Try This Simple Durability Program

Before Your Next Workout To Injury Proof

Your Joints, Erase Pain, And Make Your

Body Virtually Resilient...


… While Boosting Performance. So You

Can Enjoy Consistent Strength 

For Years To Come Without Another

Injury Or Set Back!

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Have you ever exercised to feel better , move better or get in shape only to watch your progress slip away with one pinch, pull, tear, or pop...


Forcing you to take ‘time off’ from the gym and daily activities you enjoy to heal?


It’s like pushing a heavy rock up a steep mountain… and just when you’re close to the top the rock slips from your grasp and you have to start all over from ground zero. Sound familiar?


Or maybe your body doesn’t recover like it used to… and a simple game of baseball with friends leaves you with aches and pains for days.


If that’s you… then you’re trapped in the pain cycle. And there’s only one way to break the shackles and free yourself from this vicious cycle…


That works better than any mobility, yoga, rehab, stretching, or anything like that...   

I started working with Platoon Commander, Captain John Croucher better known to his troops as “The Sir”, after his deployment to Afghanistan in 2007. During his service in the military, John was badly injured in an IED attack. Badly, would be an understatement. John sustained first and second


excuses get in YOUR way.


degree burns from ankle to hip on his right leg and on his hand, as well as a broken fibula and tibia. His right ankle was literally a shattered mess. John went through eight surgeries at three different hospitals in three different countries.


With the injuries he had sustained, he knew it was going to be a long road to a full recovery. John would need to start at the beginning to gain back the ability to walk without a limp. Then being able to jog and find a way to lose the weight he had gained from being immobile for so long.


John wanted to get back to training, active duty and his troops.


What always struck me the most was how humble he was, how open he was about his experiences, and how his thoughts were always for his troops and their health and well being.


I call John the bionic man because of the amount of metal we had to work around in his body. The fact that he hadn’t lost a limb was a miracle. John had to create a new relationship with his body.


We started slow, with breath work, mind-set, modifying and adapting movements to work with his body and current limitations. We were using Daily Durability to get him started and ready for the next step.


I met with John four times per week and he never missed a day. After a year he could walk, jog and was able to perform basic movements that could be loaded so he could begin strength training again. This was a far cry from the assessments all his doctors gave him after surgeries.


Fast-forward 10 years, John and I still working together. Now retired from the military, John enjoys recreational hockey. Something he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to enjoy again.


John still uses Daily Durability to stay mobile, and enjoy pain-free days.

This program is the secret to never again being slowed down by an injury, stiffness or pain.

This pain free movement and recovery system will change your life by investing in the thing that matters most as you get older—your physical health. 


Using a simple, practical and mindful approach I’ll show you how to improve movement quality and increase range of motion easily without spending more time in a gym. 


You’ll learn how to achieve greater quality of movement and body awareness in your foundational lifts, while also mitigating future injuries.


In 3 easy steps you’ll learn how to enhance natural recovery between workouts and daily activity so you can feel energized all day. 


In less than 15 minutes a day I’ll show you how to fit these simple movements around your existing training so you can continue to do what you love - better and pain free.


Here’s the best part, no matter how stiff or sore you feel right now there’s light at the end of your pain. I’ve made this program for you. I want you to move better, feel younger and fully enjoy your life. You deserve to stop stressing, focusing on, and planning around your pain and injury. 


This style of joint-specific strength and mobility is designed for you, no matter your current fitness level. It's for EVERYbody. 


Using the simple daily follow along videos you’ll develop pain free movement and you'll learn how to create your own daily practice that is meaningful to you.


This is your chance to finally stop the pain/injury pattern by learning the tools and techniques that will keep you pain free. Never again will you hesitate at hitting the gym, hiking with friends on the weekend or running that charity race. Physical freedom can be yours.


These evidence-backed corrective exercises are specifically programmed to give you greater shoulder mobility, hip stability, knee strength, neck mobility and overall range of motion. And they are all placed into short daily videos that you simply follow along with me. You can do them anywhere, anytime. You’ll start feeling and moving better today!


There’s nothing else in the fitness industry like this program—as you’ll soon see for yourself. Daily Durability will get you back on the field, in the gym or on the road quicker. You’ll stop being frustrated and wasting time being stiff and sore. This program is the key to creating a resilient body that can carry you for a lifetime.



I am Sarah Jamieson


I’ve been there…


I know how you feel.


Six years ago, I had aches and pains, which turned into major injury.


I was a runner because I didn’t grow up with much, and all I needed were a pair of shoes and an open road.

Like you, I am passionate about training and staying active.


For me, running turned into marathons and ultra marathons.


And ultimately into a 10-year passion project to bring others along for the run.


I used my running as a way to raise 1 million dollars for my community and as rallying point for change. 


The miles and dollars started building…


In one year alone I ran over 5,000 miles.


My training wore me down…


I struggled to sleep well. I had stomach pains. My body constantly ached.


But I couldn’t give up on what mattered to me. This was not about me. It was about something bigger.


Despite my body breaking down, I entered the biggest race of my life on March 12, 2012.


It was 60 miles—and the worst and best day of my life. My mind was ready, but my body was not.


Starting at 4am in the icy pouring rain.


12 hours later I had finished 48 miles...


And then tragedy struck.


I suddenly couldn’t take another step.  


Every joint in my body was on fire. My legs felt like they were 500 pounds, my mind was foggy, fingers and feet numb. I stood there with tears in awe. Not from what I had accomplished, but the exact opposite. 


It was then I realized I had failed my body. Stopped listening to that internal dialogue. 


Those aches and pains turned into chronic pain, and emergency surgery.


It would take two full years of pain and injury to rebuild my body back to being healthy. 


I needed the time to build a new pattern, a new system, and a new normal. 


Like you're currently experiencing, I discovered training alone is not enough.


No matter how strong you are at your maximum, it doesn’t matter if you can’t sustain it long-term—if you can’t be durable and pain free.


I worked every day for years to build back my mobility, my strength and movement.


Now, I am more resilient and durable than ever.


And I am sharing everything I’ve learned to help you create pain free movement and recovery so you never have to suffer like I did.


And you can continue to live the quality of life you enjoy.

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No equipment needed so that you can do these workouts anywhere, anytime so that you don’t spend any money you could be saving for your vacation.


Become more durable and reduce your risk of injury’s so that you no longer get hurt playing sports so that your partner doesn’t have to listen to you complain about being sore and stiff all the time.


Be better coordinated and balanced so that you can squat deeper with more weight so that you can set that new PR.


Stay motivated every day, so you can continue to improve your training, your lifts and your quality of movement.


You don’t have to change your current workout routine so you don’t spend more time at the gym, so you can spend your time with friends and family.


Simple, slow movement flows with different levels of difficulty so that no matter your fitness level or injury you can follow along so that you can have pain free movement every day.


With lifetime access to the program you can gain physical freedom so that you never wake up with a sore back or neck again.


Melt your stress away by simply being better mobile so that the frustration of your busy work day doesn't cause annoying shoulder pain.


What Can Daily Durability Do For You? 

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what's included in the program?

The best part is when you sign up for Daily Durability you get instant access to the complete online follow-along video program to get started today. This program is accessible on any device so you can do it anywhere.

Daily Movement PROGRAM

30 different standing joint mobility and 30 different ground-based restoration videos that are simple and easy to follow along daily flows to help you immediately increase your range of motion while reducing pain and stiffness.


These videos are simple. All you have to do is push play and follow along with me as I take you though the movement and explain it as we go.


Week-to-week adds in changes to body position, rotation and stability so that no matter your fitness level or injury you can follow along and create a pain free day.


Strategically programmed breath work so you can maximize your progress, and create lasting resilient mobility.


3-step self-screen assessment to track your progress at the beginning, and end of the program to see the areas you increased range of motion, and reduced pain.


Interact with me and other dedicated people who are changing their life with Daily Durability on the private community forum. 


You get 7 bonus trigger-point tutorials

Get 7 different daily Self-MyoFascial Release videos to help you further your movement and mobility growth. In these follow along videos I will show you how to use gentle sustained pressure to roll and trigger-point areas of your body to reduce pain and discomfort.


Plus I have partnered with Hyperice who is the industry-leader in recovery and movement enhancement technology. I feature two of their core vibrating technology products—the Vyper 2.0 fitness roller and Hypersphere fitness ball, as an added opportunity to further accelerate your recovery and pain free progress.

Get amazing results today!

This program is packed full of easy to use amazing content that will help get you life-changing results today. See what other people are saying about how Daily Durability improved their quality of life. This program is for everybody and every body!

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Yes! I want instant access TO the Daily Durability Program.

all this for only $60

I guarantee this program will help you move better

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I know this program will work for you, that's why I’m offering a money back guarantee. It’s worked for countless people already, so I know it will help you too.


The guarantee is simple: If you do the program for 30 days and are unhappy with the program or the results, show me your daily progress tracker and that you reached out for help throughout the program’s duration, and I’ll give you all your money back – guaranteed. That’s it.


You WILL get as much out of this program as you put into it. I guarantee it.

Do you want to dance when you’re 87?


This is the question I ask myself every morning. It keeps me focused and puts things in perspective.


Health is a life-long commitment.


I am not in this for the magic fixes, miracle creams or the short-term trendy programs. I am in it for the long haul we call life. I am in it to dance like Michael Jackson when I am 87.


If you want to dance like the king of pop when you’re 87 too, then it matters what you do today and every day.

Rest assured there is a community here of awesome people striving for the same goals as you. That’s what Daily Durability is all about—creating a tribe of committed people investing in long-term health and fitness.


You’re why I created Daily Durability. To give you the tools, support and community to squat deeper, recover faster and live pain-free not only today, but every day of your life.  


It’s time for you to stop the endless stream of workout and compete hard, get injured, go to the doctor or get treatment. Have surgery or do physical therapy, workout and compete hard again, get injured again.


I got you!!! This program is simple, easy to follow along and it works. Daily Durability will get you back on the field, in the gym or on the road quicker. You’ll stop being frustrated and wasting time being injured, stiff and sore. And the best part is it’s only 15 minutes a day.


Click below and get started now!


Yours in health,



Sarah  J

Get instant access TO the Daily Durability Program.

now only $60


Copyright 2021 Moveolution | All Rights Reserved | Prices in USD

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